Tuesday, November 30, 2021

In October, a woman tested positive for Covid-19 on the 26th day after arriving in Hong Kong from the United States, with authorities classifying it as an imported case.

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Searching for corona

But the half-life dropped to six hours when humidity rose to 80 percent -- and just two minutes when sunlight was added to the equation.

Humidity + Sunlight = Beach

Corona on the beach

ICU brain

Original antigenic sin

Stress-damaged pregnancies

The world's biggest psychological experiment ever

Battle of the B cells - Epitope spreading

Sitting around

The apocalypse movies never mentioned all the sitting around

April 1, 2021. András Késmárky, a family and intensive care doctor, finds that whoever is on invasive ventilation (the delivery of oxygen using endotracheal intubation on an anesthetized patient) has a much lower chance of survival than a patient treated with non-invasive ventilation.

On Monday, MOK sent a letter to Minister of the Interior Sándor Pintér, stating that “the deaths among those requiring ventilator treatment and intubation are disproportionately high, reaching 95 percent of patients in certain locations.” Source

Generally speaking, 40% to 50% of patients with severe respiratory distress die while on ventilators, experts say. But 80% or more of coronavirus patients placed on the machines in New York City have died, state and city officials say.

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Outdoor transmission may represent fewer than one in 1000 Covid-19 cases. A database of more than 2000 international superspreader events found only one that happened exclusively outdoors.

Researchers examining the beginning of the outbreak in China looked at more than 7000 infections and found only one case of outdoor transmission. Strangely enough, few superspreader events have happened on aeroplanes or in gyms, likely due to better ventilation.

Higher production of infection-enhancing antibodies was found in patients with severe COVID-19. It was also found that non-infected individuals may have small amounts of infection-enhancing antibodies.

In the 10 years or so since the widespread use of B-cell depletion, there is little to suggest that a long-term paucity of B cells puts patients at risk for malignancy or opportunistic infections

And that was only 2020 😊

Many in the scientific community have felt comfortable in the knowledge that mRNA-based vaccines can be quickly modified and redeployed. If the our current vaccines fail, we revaccinate individuals with obsolete immunity against the new strains, and play global whack-a-mole as the virus evolves...